Synerise S.A.

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About us

Founded in 2013, Synerise has taken the lead in reshaping the traditional landscape of MarTech. 
We offer next-generation capabilities that combine AI-enhanced customer intelligence with personalized omnichannel communication at scale. The Synerise AI Growth Cloud platform helps companies - from SMEs to fully developed enterprises - to grow by revolutionizing sales and marketing activities. 
Recognized by Satya Nadella and officially partnered with Microsoft, Orange and EY, Synerise performs operations across the Middle East, Europe, South East Asia and the Americas. 
Synerise cooperates with leading universities in the field of knowledge development, research and education. The company co-creates Masters and Doctoral studies in the field of Big Data and the e-economy and finances the education of children and youth in the area of AI.

Synerise S.A.